Best Brain Food

The saying goes “You are what you eat,” so we should all pay attention to the food we consume because a well-balanced diet is not only good for our physical health but our mental health as well. There are some foods which are particularly beneficial to our grey matter, and those indulging in challenging mental activities – be it solving quadratic equations, playing chess or even betting online with a bonus code, should have these foods in mind.

  1.       Blueberries

They are at the very top of the foods which are most abundant in antioxidant because they include vitamin K, vitamin C, and fiber. They have a high gallic acid level which helps protect the brain from oxidative stress, short-term memory loss, and degeneration (some studies have even shown that they are potentially beneficial to reducing the effects of Alzheimer’s and dementia). Studies on aging rats showed how those who had a blueberry-rich diet presented significant improvements when it came to their motor skills and learning capacity. So don’t wait and grab a cup of blueberries right away (one cup is recommended per day).

  1.       Avocados

When it comes to brain health, avocados are almost as beneficial as blueberries. They contain a high amount of monounsaturated fats which help control blood sugar levels. They are also rich in folate, vitamin K and potassium, which aid in the protection against stroke because they prevent the creation of blood clots in the brain and lower blood pressure, and if that wasn’t enough – they also improve both concentration and memory. Recommended daily intake is up to one half of avocado added to one daily meal.

  1.       Wild salmon

Omega-3 fatty acids are of crucial importance for our brain function, and the most effective, active ones (DHA and EPA) can be found in oily fish, like wild salmon (the same does not apply to farm-raised salmon because they can contain a lot of toxins and mercury). Some researchers claim that young adults who increased their omega-3 intake over a six-month period showed an improvement in their scores testing working memory. Wild salmon is rich in these acids which help prevent dementia, memory loss and Alzheimer’s. So, there are quite a few reasons to add a serving of 115 g of wild salmon to your diet, two to three times per week.

  1.       Whole grains

Whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats, quinoa, bran flakes, barley are a rich source of whole grains. The importance of a well-balanced diet containing whole grains is primarily because they help protect the cardiovascular system which is responsible for the blood flow to the brain. They are rich in antioxidants, fiber, vitamin E, and beneficial nutrients in general, and help increase the blood flow which aids the preservation of brain cells. Fifty grams per meal is the recommendation.

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